Friday, November 26, 2004

I mean, I can understand the menacing lasers, but...

Ever wonder why evildoers are always hellbent on establishing some colossal Orwellian database indexing all known information about your person from your credit card number to your preferred brand of toothpaste?

I suspect it has less to do with world domination than it does with moments like these, when I'm desperately and obsessively endeavoring to discover the link between an Academy student living in Ridgefield Park and a multiuser Paramus High School blog. It's a bit like having a splinter in the brain, at least in some unknown dialect of English in which "splinter" denotes a small nuclear device.

This, in case that wasn't clear enough, is driving. me. insane.


At November 26, 2004 at 1:04 PM, Blogger sara. said...

chack, the guy who started inappropriate, is an old friend of mine and invited me to start posting last summer. I can't believe you even found me, considering I made exactly one post. =P


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